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Ross has the ability to lead you past perceived concepts about the wildlife around us. 

Setting Nature on a pedestal as something to observe and admire is not the answer. Our consumptive practices require us to take responsibility and become educated about the predator-prey relationships and biology of wildlife among us.
Ross engages groups with his real life experiences along with biology and population dynamics of the Boreal Forest wildlife in the 21st century.


  • Wolf Presentations - Learn About our Apex Predators

  • Shrinking Habitat - Reality of Responsibility

  •  Relationship to Wildlife

  • The Good, The Bad and The Incredible!

  • Beaver & Muskrats critical role in  Watersheds

  • Dynamics of Predator/Prey relationships

  • Harvest Ethics and Conservation

  • 21st Century Trapping & Conservation


​Training Workshops in how to travel safe in the bush, Beaver Control Beaver, manage wolves, and more.


  •  Under Ice Beaver - 1 Day

  •  How to Travel Safely in the Bush - 1 Day

  •  Beaver Control - 1 Day

  •  Predator Control - 1 Day

  •  Wolf Management Workshop - 2 Days

Ross offers Wildlife Conflict Workshops providing in depth knowledge you can use and hands on training. 

   •    Livestock Producer Workshop

   •    County Workshop​
   •    Beaver/Muskrat - Managing Conflicts
   •    Large Predators Management


We can also create a customized program for your group

With many very successful years as an Instructor in the field of Bushcraft, Ross offers a diverse delivery of programs.  Learn how to create useful items from natural material from the Boreal Forest.  Or learn how to snare small wild animals for survival. These are Wilderness Living Skills you can use.

  •  Survival Snaring & Small Animal Processing - 2 Day or (In Depth Training available for a 4 Day Workshop)

  •  Creating Hide Fleshing/Scraping Tools - 1 Day

  •  Skull Cleaning - 1 Day

  •  Safe Use of Axe/Knife/Saw - 1 Day

  •  Building a Pump Drill - 1 Day


We can also create a customized Bushcraft Course for your group.


Learning how to mitigate problems before they happen, adds great value to your operation. In an ever changing habitat, our approach must also change. Conservation and Wildlife Management must be understood, in order to preserve a vital renewable resource for the future while at the same time, protecting our livestock, our land and our people.

   •    Livestock Producers
   •    Industrial Wildlife Management
   •    Acreage Owners
   •    Urban/Municipal Wildlife Management


Learning about what works and what does not work when it comes to mitigating conflicts between wildlife and humans is valuable for the future of your business and for your land.
Ross also offers Group Presentations on Trapping and Sustainability, along with Courses including Small Wild Animals for Survival Food, Creating Tools to work with hides, Bushcraft and Safe Travel in the Bush

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